Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Anna's 8th Birthday Party

We had a christmas cookie decorating party for Anna this year. I had been waiting years for Anna to be old enough to really enjoy this type of party, and now we finally have a kitchen big enough to accomodate a bunch (18) of girls. It was so much fun- the girls got to decorate four cookies (penguins, snowmen, stockings and ornaments) and they took their time and really did a good job. We had sanding sugar and dragees for them to use as well.
A good friend was kind enough to make a pinata in the shape of a cookie for us, since we couldn't find one to buy anywhere. She did an awesome job, and the girls had so much fun in the front yard trying to break it. (I'm sure the neighbors enjoyed the screaming girls.)

The biggest hits of the party were not the cookies that I spent weekends making or the cookie cake, but the hot chocolate, marshmellows, whipped cream, and straws. We went through countless pots of hot chocolate and three cans of whipped cream in a few hours. Sugar rush, anyone?
It was really fun, and will be a great memory for our family. I could not have done it without Andrea, Diali, my mom and of course, Scott- thanks!

Decorating the Tree

We were especially excited this year to be putting up our Christmas tree since we were able to get a really tall tree to put in our new family room. In fact, I did not realize just how tall the tree really was- it did not look so tall in the store! We started on the tree around 8:30 in the morning, with Uncle Tim over to help, and didn't finish with the last ornament until around 3 pm. It was a big task! Anna got to get on the tall ladder to assist and actually was a big help.


We were so excited to host Thanksgiving this year for all family members who were in Florida for the holiday! It was wonderful to have everyone over and the house full of kids and good food. I don't have many pictures of the day, though, so hopefully someone (Heather) will email some so I can post them!